Spring 1 Program Session: March 3 - April 27

Registration for our Spring 1 Program Session opens for members on February 3 at 7:00 am and for non-members on February 17 at 7:00 am. Remember that as a member of The Granite YMCA, you can take advantage of early registration, program discounts, and so much more. From swim lessons and Kids' Nights, to sports and personal training, there's something for everyone at the Y!

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Discover a Summer of Fun at YMCA Camp

Your Greatest Adventure Awaits! Your child will discover a summer of fun at The Granite YMCA’s Day & Overnight Camps. With a variety of programs tailored to their interests, they can learn and play all while creating lifelong memories and friendships. Don’t let summer pass by—sign up today and let the adventure begin!

Learn More Sign Up for Camp