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If you're seeking more thrills, more adventure, more excitement; look no further than Trip Camp's Mega Week! Adventure and thrills in no short supply from dropping down Geronimo at Water Courty to making the plunge down Superman's 221-foot drop at Six Flags New England. This enhanced Teen Trip experience is sure to challenge your camper's mind and body. There's never a dull moment at camp!
Parents will choose which level they would like their camper to be for the summer. Teens assigned to Level 1 will spend their day with our experienced trip camp staff and other teens as a group. Level 2 allows teens to explore our destination with fellow teens and they are given designated check-in times throughout the day. If you have further questions about our options, please contact the Teen Trip Director.
Please be advised that in the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances our trips are subject to change at short notice. However, fun is never in short supply. Campers must be at least 12 years old by June 30, 2025.